Talia Eaton
University of Colorado Boulder
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
To me, The Real Runway is about supporting other women, embracing your uniqueness, and realizing that there is strength in numbers. The Real Runway is about accepting diversity, accepting all shapes and sizes, and accepting that it is okay not to feel perfect 24/7. With the support of the members and staff at Her Campus, we can change the way we speak about beauty because the change begins with us.
What is your go-to fall outfit?
My go to fall outfit is a neutral colored skirt with an oversized sweater. To polish off the look i opt for a news boy hat.
Follow Talia on Instagram.

Sam Lurie
Boston University
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
To me, The Real Runway serves as a celebration of our differences through fashion. Growing up, I have been lucky enough to have a mom who encourages the arts and creative expression. While my medium has mostly been drawing, painting and photography, hers is fashion and we come together on the expressive aspects through spending Friday nights watching documentaries on designers and cutting up magazines for our scrap books. One thing that I’ve always struggled with during this ritual is relating to the people who wear the clothes. As someone with a thyroid issue, my weight has been inconsistent all my life and whenever I saw models walking the runway, they were beautiful, but they didn’t look like me. My view on fashion has remained appreciative as an art form, but I started to view myself as someone who belonged behind the camera rather than in front of it. However, coming into college I joined Her Campus BU and this started to change when I went to our first big event: College Fashion Week. I remember seeing people of all different backgrounds, shapes, sizes walk the runway and everyone around me was lifting each other up. I left feeling emotional and with a newfound confidence to wear what I want, be who I want, and to be apart of the culture that lifts people rather than the mindset that was tearing me down. I want to be apart of College Fashion Week because of the leaps and bounds I’ve made in confidence over the past year and to show other girls that anyone can walk the runway.
What is your go-to fall outfit?
A mock neck t-shirt, overall dress or jeans, belt, boots, cool jacket (jean jacket, long blazer like jacket, peacoat, etc).
Follow Sam on Instagram.
Sonja Caballero
Boston University
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
The Real Runway to me means building each other up through shared passions! I’ve learned that encouraging each other to embrace what makes us unique is truly the most rewarding.
What is your go-to fall outfit?
My go-to fall outfit is a bright colored sweater, distressed jeans, and comfy neutral colored sneakers or booties that make the color of the sweater pop!
Follow Sonja on Instagram.

Alliah Irtan
Adelphi University
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
The Real Runway allows traditional modeling barriers to be broken down. Women of all different shapes, complexions, sizes, etc. deserve and should be able to have representation in not only the media, but as well as in highlighted industries such as the fashion and beauty industries. The Real Runway gives women like me, who thought they could never have opportunities like this, a chance to be that representation. It allows us to inspire others and show them that they can, too.
What is your go-to fall outfit?
A warm toned cardigan, dark wash skinny jeans, a scarf, and cute booties to match!
Follow Alliah on Instagram.

Thania Maria Abreu
Northern Essex Community College
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
It means being comfortable with yourself and show the world that you rock!
What is your go-to fall outfit?
Scarves and boots.
Follow Thania on Instagram.
Natalie Held
Boston University
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
Last fall was my first semester at Boston University and it was a difficult transition to say the least. I was worried about starting over–making new friends, living in a new city, and leaving behind the relationships I had made at my previous school. I felt my anxiety flaring up and was craving to find a place where I felt like I belonged.
It wasn’t long before I found Her Campus & Her Campus Boston University, a community full of strong, passionate, and like-minded women that I could connect & collaborate with. After attending #CollegeFashionWeek, it really solidified in my mind what community and female empowerment means to me.
In 2015, I had to honor of getting to walk in NYFW for Wear Your Label in efforts to end the stigma around mental illness—as an ally and someone who has battled anxiety. It was there that I learned the power of fashion as a catalyst for change, confronting my anxiety, and a mechanism for self-expression. I was reminded of this exact feeling at CFW as I watched women from all walks of life (no pun intended) strut down that runway owning who they are.
To me, that is what The Real Runway is all about. It’s about loving yourself so fiercely, you don’t need to worry about finding a place to fit in because you already belong. It’s about community over competition. It’s about confronting your anxieties and insecurities head on. It’s about embracing the women in your life and helping them step into their power.
What is your go-to fall outfit?
My go-to fall outfit is my denim skirt with a chunky sweater and my doc martens paired with silver accessories and a cute tote!
Follow Natalie on Instagram.

Lena Daniels
University of Central Florida
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
The Real Runway is an inspiring way to show off your confidence and self love for all around you. We are all unique and special, and the real runway embraces that feeling and shares the message that we are all beautiful.
What is your go-to fall outfit?
Anything mustard yellow, layered looks, and statement boots!
Follow Lena on Instagram.

Amma Agyei
Tufts University
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
𝐑elationships , 𝐄mpowerment, 𝐀cceptance , 𝐋earning.
#therealrunway means forming relationships with strong, creative and powerful people from different backgrounds. As an African American woman, it means acceptance of who I am—refuting all the standards set by the world we live in now. Skin color, body types, size, hair texture, and stereotypes should not be a decisive factor in a person’s success. I hope to inspire others to embrace their true selves, flaws and insecurities if given the chance to walk #thecollegefashionweek runway. I have always been interested in modeling and ways to show my creativity and hope to use this opportunity to broaden my audience and get exposure. Being a part of this experience will leave a lasting mark, serve as a learning experience and empower me to become a better version of myself. I wouldn’t change who I am for the world so don’t change who you are to fit into the world . The boundaries of this world prevent it from being my runway and so I continue to pave my way to the runway.
What is your go-to fall outfit?
A cropped turtleneck sweater with a denim skirt and knee-high heeled boots.
Follow Amma on Instagram.
Ashley Reichert
University of Central Florida
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
The Real Runway is about being confident and fierce no matter what. Confidence is the most important thing to have wherever you go, and can help you accomplish anything you put your mind to. Strutting into the room instead of walking can make you feel like you're on top of the world!
What is your go-to fall outfit?
My go-to fall outfit is definitely red and blue flannel over a white tank, ripped skinny jeans, a belt, gold jewelry, and cute booties! Can never forget to accessorize!
Follow Ashley on Instagram.

Maxine An
Northeastern University
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
I believe The Real Runway means real women, not the 5’10”, 24-inch waist models that society wants. Everyday teenage girls and women work to change their bodies into “perfection” when they are perfect the way they are. I think that The Real Runway showcases the reality, rather than the fantasy of everyday women. Regardless of our size, shape, or race, The Real Runway does not discriminate. We do not need what society terms “a perfect body” because that does not exist. Everyone is perfect and unique in their own ways and that is what needs to be shown. The Real Runway promotes creativity and individuality, whether it be through fashion or art, it makes everyone who they are.
What is your go-to fall outfit?
My go-to fall outfit is a knitted black sweater, a green leather skirt, and over-the-knee black boots.
Follow Maxine on Instagram.

Hannah Luke
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
Fashion has evolved from a means of division between people of different backgrounds, to a form of self expression and acceptance. The Real Runway is using fashion to celebrate our differences and individual styles, bodies, and personalities. Being 5’2”, the fashion industry hasn’t always been kind to my short legs, but because of the push from modern women to acknowledge different body types, it’s easy to find styles and pieces that make me confident. The Real Runway is confidence in individuality, and I’m happy to be part of it on my campus and in my life.
What is your go-to fall outfit?
Nothing captures my fall style like giant sweaters (especially turtle necks), baggy jeans, and platform shoes. It's comfy, functional, and if you coordinate your handbag and shoes GIRL, that's a look!
Follow Hannah on Instagram.
Caitlin Meyer
Boston University
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
The Real Runway to me recognizes the complexity of women. We are bohemian, preppy, and daring all in one outfit. We are of different backgrounds, personalities, shapes, and sizes. We are beautifully individual, and the fashion and entertainment industry should celebrate that instead of squash it. The Real Runway kisses stereotypes and cliques goodbye, allowing women to be both outgoing and studious, athletic and girly, creative and logical.
What is your go-to fall outfit?
I love pairing a cozy turtleneck with some dark wash jeans, my chelsea boots, and my burgundy trench coat!
Follow Caitlin on Instagram.

Geneve Lau
Boston University
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
The Real Runway means being able to represent the Asian identity on the runway. It means being able to embrace, and accentuate my favorite features about myself, and not having to fit into any stereotypical mold of what you're "supposed to look like." The Real Runway is having your own, radiant glow and sharing it with others.
What is your go-to fall outfit?
A sweater with a little bit of exposed shoulder for a fun flirty touch, jeans, and my go to Chelsea boots. You can never go wrong. Second day curls with a touch of dry shampoo for a natural tousled look.
Follow Geneve on Instagram.

Ariane Vigna
Boston University
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
Growing up, I struggled with an eating disorder. It took losing 24 lbs and my period to realize I was worth more than whatever number was on the scale. When I went to College Fashion Week with my Her Campus chapter last year, I felt so empowered to see real women rocking the runway with confidence. It inspired me to keep working on how to love my body more every day and that is the reason why I am so honored to model in College Fashion Week 2019. To me, The Real Runway means sparing young women from wasting time comparing themselves to others and rather helping them to embrace their true homes — because, at the end of the day, a body is a home to cherish and nurture, not a facade to hate and hide behind. Representation of all body types matters so much, especially in college when it can be hard to accept yourself as you are.
What is your go-to fall outfit?
I like to wear mom jeans, a comfortable burgundy sweater, a duffle coat, and a beige beret!
Follow Ariane on Instagram.
Natalia Senanayake
Rutgers University
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
#TheRealRunway to me signifies not only empowerment, but also the embracing of every single human difference that falls under the umbrella of diversity. only after one accepts themselves for who they are can they begin to spread that same self-love to others. this is what #TheRealRunway embodies: creating a space for anyone who is willing to accept their differences and transform them into means of empowerment. i have never been completely in love with my body, as a lot of people feel i’m sure, but it is through the blooming movement that size, skin color, height, etc. is not what it takes to be confident that I am able to re-evaluate past judgement. it is through self-acceptance and self-love that truly matters, and that is the imperative message that must continue to be heard.
What is your go-to fall outfit?
My fall go-to outfit would definitely be an oversized chunky sweater, leggings, and statement booties! An outfit as simple as that can always be dressed up with accessories, so if I'm really feeling extra that day I will add some funky earrings and a hat to complete the look.
Follow Natalia on Instagram.

Alexandra Mia Cusell
University of Central Florida
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
Embracing your flaws and imperfection, and loving the body you have.
What is your go-to fall outfit?
Over the knee boots with an oversized sweater.
Follow Alexandra on Instagram.
Hannah Griffee
Marymount Manhattan College
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
The Real Runway is a place where girls can come together to celebrate themselves and lift each other up all while feeling glam and confident.
What is your go-to fall outfit?
You can't go wrong with the sweater, jeans, and boots formula!
Follow Hannah on Instagram.
Kenzie Morris
Boston University
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
Walking the Real Runway means being transparent with the world. There is power in being transparent with your goals and not letting yourself get in the way! Whether that be throwing on that cute outfit that makes you smile or giving someone else a compliment, go find yourself worth! The real runway means showing other girls that you truly can be yourself in the presence of others and walking down the street! It means to me that you can be a model and be under 5’2!!! I repeat: THERE IS BEAUTY IN BEING PETITE! HEIGHT DOES NOT MAKE YOU ANY BETTER! Not enough companies picture petite girls walking the runway, there is this stereotype that to be a model and walk the runway you have to be tall, let’s change that. I hope to walk the real runway this year to show others that there is power in owning who you are! The real runway will help me show others who I am and I hope to encourage other girls to show the world who they truly are.
What is your go-to fall outfit?
A sweater, a belt, hoop earrings, jeans and moccasins.
Follow Kenzie on Instagram.

Ebrar Zeynep Yilmaz
Bryn Mawr College
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
The real runway is an opportunity for me to show other people that it is possible to pursue your dreams without having to sacrifice your identity.
What is your go-to fall outfit?
My go-to fall outfit is a neutral colored sweatshirt, my fav mom jeans, and Dr. Martens.
Follow Ebrar on Instagram.
Solange Hackshaw
Boston University
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
To me, representation isn't just about placing the body of a minority into a predominantly white space in the effort to appear diverse. It's about bring the people who were previously unseen and making them seen. Because there is beauty in being yourself, wildly, fully, and contentedly. It's about taking the good with the bad. Knowing that you don't need to filter the whole picture just because you have one pimple. Knowing that cellulite does not make you any less beautiful in your bikini. When I think of the real runway, I envision a group of women, all strong, powerful and intelligent, united in spite of their differences on the surface, yet all gorgeous in their own way. I'm personally so sick and tired of seeing swimwear brands with one type of woman as their muse and makeup lines that exclude half the global population (especially after Rihanna already proved how socially and economically stupid that is). Representation is not one thing. It's not just about one story. Yes I am a biracial woman, but I am a west indian biracial woman and that in and of itself makes my experience different from another black person's experience. Blackness isn't a monolith. It's more than just what's portrayed in the media. There are so many stories and people who are still left out and untold. True representation is when we all feel empowered to define ourselves instead of living with the definition that the world deemed fit for us; it is when all of our stories come together fiercely and authentically in a stunning synergy.
What is your go-to fall outfit?
My burgundy combat boots, form fitting jeans, a comfy but colorful sweater (I'm trying to experiment with more color), big earrings, and of course, a warm coat.
Follow Solange on Instagram.
Julia Greenwood
University of Massachusetts Amherst
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
To me The Real Runway is all about individuality and being yourself. Attending college fashion week last year I saw a group of amazing college women, all from different backgrounds and educational paths, come together to show off their personalities on the runway. Sometimes, it can be hard to own all your quirks and insecurities and put them out for the world to see. However, these women did it flawlessly and authentically. It was inspirational to say the least. To walk with them this year is an honor and I would hope to inspire others the way they inspired me!
What is your go-to fall outfit?
An oversized sweater with leggings and tall leather boots! Cozy and cute!
Follow Julia on Instagram.

Adiva Marie Jack
University of Massachusetts Amherst
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
The Real Runway means a freedom of expression, a chance to be confident, a rush of fun! I love being able to strut in my most confident form without thinking anything else besides showing off the garments and how powerful and beautiful I feel in them. The Real Runway is a REAL magical experience.
What is your go-to fall outfit?
My go to fall outfit is a cheetah print faux fur coat, some black jeans with some fringe at the hem, a cute oversized black tee tucked in just a little, all white converses, a black beret, and some silver chains to accessorize.
Follow Adiva on Instagram.

Giselle Huasipoma
Montclair State University
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
The Real Runway is about self expression, inclusivity and letting go of insecurities. This past year, I’ve learned to express myself to the fullest; whether it’s my fashion statements, my personality, or my self-esteem. As a stylist, I see women of all shapes and sizes and I’m so blessed to have a job that empowers women to feel comfortable in their clothing as well as their bodies. The feeling of making someone truly happy is unmatched!
What is your go-to fall outfit?
My go-to fall outfit has to be a patterned crop top, jean jacket, ripped black jeans and patent leather ankle boots. Edgy but comfy!
Follow Giselle on Instagram.

Anastasya Putri
Bentley University McCallum Graduate School
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
It means being confident in your style and in your body. Wearing what makes you feel good, and what makes you happy no matter what anyone thinks. As a graduate student, I am always bombarded with projects and assignment. So it's important to me to wear an outfit that makes me feel powerful and ready to take on the world!
What is your go-to fall outfit?
Oversized off shoulder sweater dress, chunky sneakers and my tortoiseshell glasses.
Follow Anastasya on Instagram.

Emily Wu
Boston University
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
The Real Runway to me is an opportunity to be inspired and empowered. With girls of all shapes and sizes coming together to make the show happen, I think the Real Runway will provide girls a space to express themselves and learn from one another. It doesn't matter if you don't have the latest sneakers or a specific style. All you need is a style that makes you you.
What is your go-to fall outfit?
My go-to fall outfit is an over sized sweater, an infinity scarf, mom jeans, and comfy sneakers.
Follow Emily on Instagram.

Madeleine Salman
Boston University
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
To me, the real runway is just an opportunity for me to express myself through fashion. I do not fit into the conventional model size, so its sometimes difficult to feel confident in the clothes I wear and to select pieces that reflect my personality. The real runway is a chance to show the world who I am while wearing styles that were designed for someone like me.
What is your go-to fall outfit?
My go-to fall outfit is my red corduroy overall dress, a cozy sweater, some cute Chelsea boots, and a dark red lip.
Follow Madeleine on Instagram.

Victoria Adamson
University of New Hampshire
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
The Real Runway is an all-inclusive fashion event where girls from all backgrounds come together to share their similarities and celebrate their differences in all aspects of their lives. I personally plan on pursuing a career in the fashion industry and being a curvy woman, it means so much to me that all body types are supported and represented on The Real Runway and it gives me hope that the fashion industry will continue to become more diverse.
What is your go-to fall outfit?
My go-to fall outfit is a long-sleeve bodysuit with a buttoned-up overall dress, paired with platform, white sneakers and various hair-clips to complete the look!
Follow Victoria on Instagram.
Shar Parrenas
Hudson County Community College
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
The Real Runway has no fixed rules. The Real Runway lets you explore yourself through style and expression. It is a space for self expression that contagiously make people around you want to let their own shine through as well. That is what #TheRealRunway means to me. It is uplifting yourself and others.
What is your go-to fall outfit?
My go-to fall outfit is cropped & oversized hoodies paired with black highwaisted mom jeans and dr. martens boots.
Follow Shar on Instagram.
Tien Le
University of Florida
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
Being your true and most authentic self.
What is your go-to fall outfit?
My go-to fall outfit is an over-sized sweater and a pair of leggings.
Follow Tien on Instagram.
Chelsea Maddred
New York University
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
The Real Runway means celebrating the endless shapes and sizes beauty comes in. It’s an opportunity for us to come together and express ourselves through something we love, fashion!
What is your go-to fall outfit?
My go-to fall outfit will probably be a comfy pair of black leggings, boots, and an oversized sweater or sweatshirt.
Follow Chelsea on Instagram.

Jessica Torres
New York University
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
The Real Runway is the unapologetic showcase of authentic women. We are all backgrounds, all bodies, all individually and phenomenally created, united in our differences. We are a representation of the change we aspire and intent to be in this world. We are multidimensional young women who embody a revolution in who we are, inside and out. Here to empower you to feel seen, on the College Fashion Week stage.
What is your go-to fall outfit?
Corduroy Button Up Skirts, Paired with Thigh High Heels.
Follow Jessica on Instagram.
Madison Atwater
University of Colorado, Boulder
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
The Real Runway represents every woman in the world, and all the unique qualities that make them who they are. It has given me the confidence to feel happy in my own body!
What is your go-to fall outfit?
My ripped mom jeans and a cute sweater with my favorite fall booties!
Follow Madison on Instagram.

Destiny Kenna
Liberty University Online
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
When diversity isn’t a checked box and is truly celebrated, regardless of size, height, background, or skin color.
What is your go-to fall outfit?
A cozy cardigan, long-sleeve top with a unique neckline, midi skirt, and kitten heels!
Follow Destiny on Instagram.
Kelley Laxton
University of Colorado Boulder
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
The Real Runway means strength. Strength in the power of women and the power of universal beauty. The Real Runway means I can express myself through fashion and admire other girl's fashion as well.
What is your go-to fall outfit?
Any cute sweater dress with knee high boots!
Follow Kelley on Instagram.

Nashay Trimia Washington
Prince Georges Community College
What does The Real Runway mean to you?
To me the real runway means that you get to show your authentic self. You don't have to hide behind a certain look or stereotype because that’s what society wants. The real runway is a way for us to showcase our bold, beautiful and very unique identities.
What is your go-to fall outfit?
My style makes me feel empowered because it shows who I am. It gives the world a glimpse of my multifaceted personality whether I’m ready to strut in some heels and sequins or take a stroll downtown in my athleisure. I’m comfortable in my styles because they really showcase who I am as a person.
My favorite go to fall outfit is a nice sweater, leggings and of course boots! I love riding boots, I could wear them all year long if weather permitted.
Follow Nashay on Instagram.